
New Year, New Goals

January 2, 2014

Happy New Year, everyone! I can’t believe 2014 is here already, but I’m pretty excited, nonetheless.

Business goals:

  • Get Featured. I would love for my work to be featured. I am dreamer and I am ready to dream of my brides to be on a wedding blog!
  • Develop client gifts. I’m so excited about this! My goal is to come up with some ideas that are representative of me and my brand, are things people will love and be happy to receive, and are also pretty budget friendly.
  • Tweak my workflow. I have come a very long way from what I use to do. Edit til the wee hours of the morning and get a couple of hours of sleep to start my duties as mom + wife + photographer.
  • Simplify bookkeeping. I am terrible at keeping track of where my business expenses are going and thinking about it makes me want to break out in a cold sweat. I’m not a math or numbers person at all…I’d much rather look at packaging or figure out marketing strategies than crunch numbers all day! I’m going to try out a few things and figure out what works for me.
  • Invest in new gear. I pretty much have all the gear i need and LOVE, but there are a few things that I need/want to add to my collection.
  • Better work/life balance I really have very little life that’s separate from my business, but this year my goal is to take my life back and make time to be a normal person.
  • Shoot a destination wedding. I love to travel and I am ready!


Personal Goals:

  • Be healthy: In October 2013 I decided to start eating clean. I cut out dairy and saw such a major difference. I am happy at my progress and pumped to see how 2014 turns out!!
  • Drink more water.  To encourage myself to drink more water, I’ve started chopping up lemons and keeping in the fridge to throw in my water.
  • Be Thankful. Everyday I sit and say grace with my girls at dinner. We all go around and take turns saying what we are thankful for. This will always be a goal of mine because I never want to lose sight of where I have come from and who I am today.
  • Let Go. This I work at every day. It is not easy for me to let things go. I am a Pisces, notorious for being highly sensitive. Need to live in the here and now and be thankful for who I am (see above!)


2013 was an amazingly awesome year… new friends, beautiful weddings and a ridiculous amount of fun. Can’t wait to do it all again! Cheers to 2014!

